According to a Hearing Health Foundation survey, approximately 48-million Americans are dealing with some degree of hearing loss. As a result, hearing aids have become essential for persons with hearing impairment. However, just like any other electronic device, hearing aids require maintenance and repairs occasionally. This article highlights the most common reasons for needing hearing aid repairs. Hopefully, you will take better care of your hearing aid devices when you’re done.

Electronic Damage

As with devices of this nature, electronic damage is quite common with hearing aids. It can occur due to power surges, faulty batteries or exposure to static electricity. That results in poor sound quality, inconsistent performance or a complete device malfunction. It is vital to use manufacturer-recommended high-quality batteries for your hearing aids to prevent electronic damage. Secondly, make a conscious effort to avoid exposing the device to hazards like high temperatures and moisture. However, in case of electronic damage, it is essential to seek the help of a hearing health professional to repair the device.

Software Malfunction

There are many reasons for a software malfunction in your hearing aid. It may be due to firmware updates, system crashes or programming errors. Software malfunctioning affects sound quality, resulting in distortion, static noises or device freezing. One way to prevent software malfunction is to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions. It is also advisable to avoid making unauthorized modifications to the hearing device’s software. However, if you have already noticed software malfunction in your device, a hearing health professional should diagnose and repair the issue.

General Wear and Tear

General wear and tear is an inevitable part of using any device, and hearing aids are no exception. The constant use of hearing aids can cause vital parts of the device, like the microphone or speaker, to wear out or become loose. The only thing is to take excellent care of your hearing aids and ensure they are always in excellent condition. That includes cleaning the device regularly and replacing worn-out parts.

Meanwhile, seeing a hearing health professional as soon as possible at the earliest sign of deterioration is recommended. Instead of purchasing another pair, your device can be repaired and regain functionality.

Improper Storage

This issue is another common reason for hearing aid repairs. Hearing aids are sensitive electronic devices that require proper storage to maintain performance and prevent damage. Unfortunately, not every user handles their devices the approved way. For instance, some people leave their hearing aids in a hot or humid environment. It exposes the device to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

Meanwhile, others store hearing aids with the batteries still inserted in the device. That is also not advisable because it causes the battery electrolyte to drain more quickly. Following the manufacturer’s recommended storage instructions are advisable to prevent impacted performance.

Remember to store your hearing aids in a dry, cool place, remove the batteries when not in use and use a dehumidifier if necessary. By sticking to these recommended storage instructions, your hearing device may not need the hearing health professional at short intervals.

Tags: hearing aid usage tips, how-to guides