What Happens At Your Hearing Test Appointment
Visiting an audiologist for the first time can bring up some uncertainty.
Many people do not know that exposure to high-frequency noises can impact hearing. Over time, high frequency and high pitch noises can damage the hair-like structures of your inner ear, which can slowly decline hearing abilities. Therefore, it is important to understand how to protect your ears from high-frequency noises to reduce the risk of dealing with hearing loss. This guide will give you the best tips to help you ensure you maintain your hearing health and protect your ears.
When you know you will be exposed to high-frequency, high-pitch and loud noises, the best thing you can do to protect your ears is by using earplugs or earmuffs. Implementing measures to reduce prolonged exposure to loud noises can effectively safeguard the delicate and crucial hair-like structures within your inner ear.
It is important for everyone to reduce their exposure to high-frequency and loud noises as over time this can slowly damage your ears and result in hearing loss. For instance, if you are aware that your job exposes you to frequent higher pitch and loud noises, then it is best to wear hearing protection. Or if you are experiencing hearing loss already, then to protect your ears it will help if you ask your company to change roles to avoid the noises.
If you’re a regular listener of podcasts or music through headphones or earphones, it’s advisable to maintain a lower volume to minimize the potential impact on your hearing. Striking a balance where you can still hear comfortably but without pushing the volume to the maximum is key. Gradually, consistently high-volume levels can lead to decreased hearing abilities over time, making moderation a wise approach.
If you are often exposed to high-frequency noises or are aware that you have listened to loud music for years, the best thing you can do is to seek a hearing assessment. After this assessment, you audiologist will talk to you about whether you need hearing aids, and if so which would benefit you the most. Whether or not you need hearing support, you should always maintain regular hearing checkups to prevent any further damage from happening.
Whether or not you are often surrounded by loud noises, you should always take breaks regularly so that your ears can stay protected and healthy. For instance, if you often listen to the radio at home or watch a lot of TV on a high volume, then take a break as opposed to turning the volume down. Your ears and your hearing will benefit from taking regular breaks.
The longer your ears are exposed to high-frequency and loud noises, the more at risk you will be of experiencing hearing loss in the future. Ensure to pursue as many of these tips as possible to protect your ears and reduce the impact you are giving it to your hearing. Talk with your audiologist as well for further steps to protect your hearing.
Visiting an audiologist for the first time can bring up some uncertainty.
When it comes to your hearing health, getting the right care is important.
Going to a concert is enjoyable because you get to hear your favorite